Sunday 8 April 2012

EVALUATION: Question Four

 Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product?
Our Media product was made with teenage and young adult actors, and directed and filmed by teenagers. The stars in it ranged from ages 17-25, and myself and group were both 17.  
The audience for our piece would be a teenage to young adult audience mainly, as the film was filmed and centred around that age group. This therefore adds in the appeal of a film made just for this group, making them want to support it more.
There is also the evidence from our target audience research to be considered. Our main target audience from the survey was the age group 17-20, so it is likely that these would be the ones most interested in watching the film.

It is, however, also likely that adults would enjoy our product, as it is designed to be suitable for anyone who is aged 15 and over. The action and violence in it are made to be suited to anyone who feels this is an enjoyable movie setting.

The gender of our characters were decided from the target audience research. We found that there was an even split with which gender each person preferred for their main character. To suit all of our target audience’s desires, we had a female lead protagonist and a male, though the male was shown to die at the end.
This means that our audience is probably likely to be either male or female, because we have targeted both genders with it. 

The cast and director are seen by our target audience as important, so the casting of our actors to be the right age and gender was made a priority. This allowed us to find people that would fit the part, as well as fulfilling the various criteria such as age or gender.

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