Wednesday 7 December 2011

Research Into Similar Products - 2000s

The Ring - 2002
Director: Gore Verbinski

Genre: Horror
 Cover:   See Right
Certificate: 15

The establishing shot of the film is an extreme-long-shot. It shows us that it is night time, a stereotypical time of day for a horror film to be set, and that the setting a large house, looking almost creepy in the setting. In the foreground there is a bare tree, which shows a forewarning of one of the key themes of a burning tree throughout the film.
There is seemingly only one light on in the house, which gives the impression that the characters are alone.

Just as the camera jump cuts, we see a two shot of two teenagers discussing tv. The sound is diagetic of the television in the background, and the conversation of the two girls. One of them is quite unsettling to look at, with dark circles and long thick black hair that makes her look a little disturbing, immediately unsettling the watcher slightly. The girls are clearly having a sleepover, as the viewer can see pillows and slippers for both girls around the room.
The camera jump cuts to show the girl turning the television off, which could be significant when viewed as the whole film, because it focuses on a cursed tape.
The camera jump cuts to a shot of the two girls as a long shot, and the dynamics of the characters change because one girl climbs onto the bed with the other.

Their discussion of a cursed video tape is shown through a shot/reverse shot conversation which allows the audience to see the facial expressions of both girls. The girl telling the story – the more “creepy” looking one – has an almost sadistic look on her face as she tries to scare her friend, but her friend looks first sceptical and then scared. She slowly becomes more horrified and panics, making the viewer even more tense than they have been. She begins to talk of watching the tape, shown in a close-up shot to show her fear and panic about dying after watching the tape.

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