Tuesday 29 November 2011

Planning: Preliminary Decisions

Who are you working with and why?

I am working with Ella Drake for my coursework. This is because we have been long-term friends and know each other's positive and negative behaviours. We both work well as a team and can cooperate, whilst still staying on task and dedicating ourselves to our work.
We also have the ability to spend time together outside of school hours to work on things without too much difficulty, which means that everything will be completely easier to film.
She has an extensive film knowledge and works excellently with a camera, and I can use the Macs and editing suite with developed ability, as well as working well with a camera.
We can both act reasonably well and make informed decisions on actors for our piece.

What genre of movie will you be producing?

Our movie will be under the horror genre, because we both love this genre and feel we can effectively make an exciting piece for the coursework. It gives us the ability to focus on the important features of the genre and after years of watching horror films we are both informed on the types of film to look for.

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